
All the world‘s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts. Shakespeare England and America are two countries separated by the same language. George Bernard Shaw Y’all are so cute and y’all talk so proper over here. I love England. Beyonce Knowles England, one of my favorite countries (let me keep saying England instead… Read More

I took this extra day off to deal with re-entry into the real life of Albuquerque and a dusty apartment and a job and the sun. I am trying…or will be right after a nap. Teresa flew on to San Diego early this am and I’m gazing at the shambles of open suitcases, spent water bottles, and accumulated mail. Teresa and I returned last night from four weeks of perfect travel time—almost… Read More

About 8am here in London and we’re still in bed. Definitely unwound. Looks cloudy. I would like a misty warm soft gray day for our last walk-arounds. According to the weather reports from Albuquerque it’s all glaring sun and close to three-digit temps there. Hard to even fathom after a month in the cooler north of the world. We are finding London to be a very welcoming, all-encompassing, softer-edged city than maybe… Read More

Teresa and I were invited for treats, both the little girls playing and the fresh buns and berries kind, at my friend Adrienne’s house in what is the most charming of villages out on the city’s edge. Adrienne is married to a handsome IT guy whose kids greet him with screams of joy when he arrives home from work. She is engaged in her foodie cookerywriting passions and being an obviously great mom… Read More

Friday evening. I think there’s not so much more to say about this trip. Actually there’s much more about Greenland and Norway and the cousins and the culture but it’s hard to concentrate after the hard work of touristing all day so all of that must wait until I’m home. Today both Teresa and I ran out of energy and curiosity—and money seems to be disappearing rather quickly as well. Definitely time… Read More

A Friday morning check-in…we’re getting slower and slower these fine days. So just posting what I wrote yesterday before a lovely day in Hyde Park and out at friend Adrienne’s. More about that later. For now just a few random photos and a bit of travel musing. Thursday Morning: A slowing down day—yeah, that end of a trip mood is always just a little unexpected. You walk through a vibrant street scene… Read More

Wednesday Evening It’s a rainy evening and although the day touring Buckingham Palace and attending the crass, raunchy, smart, funny Book of Mormon were good things for a London Day there’s been such tragedy in a friend’s life everything seems skewed and rather hopeless. Such awful things can happen in an instant. Makes me want to wrap Teresa in a big fuzzy blanket and never let her near danger of any kind…. Read More

13.5k today. Thought this would be the easy city part. Just doesn’t seem the same when it’s not up and down rocky hills with Celia along and icebergs in the distance though. So, random pics from the day. I miss Greenland and Norwegian family and Neset and waffles and strawberries but hanging out in London does beat work.

City life after all the space and peace and green and blue of the Northlands. I already miss it. But we love this too. It has been a long travel day from dropping off the rental car at the Stavanger Airport and on to Heathrow then into the City on the Underground and a short walk to our tiny but delightful-in-its-own-slightly-scruffy-way studio room/apartment. Teresa just went out for a run which the… Read More

I wrote this a month ago on my birthday. Have been trying to fix it ever since. I give up. Here it is. My first attempt to deal with all of those long-ago notes. Today’s my birthday. I’ve daringly posted my real age on facebook so we don’t have to go into that here. How this relates to travel since this is a travel blog? The new passport that would allow me… Read More