Fall begins today. For me. The New Normal starts today also. For me. On May 26, 2020, the first entry appeared in my fancy brand-new leather-bound diary. I declared it Day...

Malaise: A general feeling of discomfort, illness, or uneasiness whose exact cause is difficult to identify. If I can identify the cause(s)…is it still malaise? I’ve made the first cancellation of...

I’m angry that I must wear a mask because so many people in this country are cultists of the most benighted sort; swilling down the anti-vax Kool-Aid. To make myself feel...

Good to know Covid didn’t alter that weird state of existence called ‘Monday.’ I am most anxious to return to work, to normalcy, to complaining about Monday. Of course work…as in...

Remember I am not old-old until I cannot climb Black Mountain in Penasquitos, San Diego County, CA on my birthday. So. Today. Up the mountain (Black, not Everest, but why quibble)....

I do not believe in miracle cures…from dieties or diets or doctors. Perhaps though, California might provide just such a thing. Whether it’s family or travel or the sight of water...

I  declare my pandemic year over. It officially started, for me, when the State of New Mexico gave North Fourth two days to close down. March 13, 2020. Oh sure, a...

March 13, 2020. The day the State of NM closed down the North Fourth Art Center and the first day of my pandemic year…or P-2020 as I like to call it....

I have these photos…fall, winter 2020. Not great photos or particularly meaningful photos…but they capture ordinary moments of a not-at-all ordinary year. So for posterity:

This was going to be a positive happy-new-year post because I had intended to write my last post ever about Sleazy T. on the 31st…but did not. So here’s one final...