MINNESOTA Family Way Way Up North

I have a small family. One brother, about eight living first cousins, two children, four grandchildren. The older generations all Euro-American, working/lower middle class, moderately hard-working, usually law-abiding, decently-educated and slightly-boring people.  We actually perk up considerably at the grandchildren level—more interesting occupations, educations, ethnicities, cultures, interests, residences.

Here’s a small album of some of Cousin Audrey’s family, daughter, granddaughter, great-grandchildren. This really belongs on my other blog but they’re all so photogenic on a pretty Minnesota May afternoon that it seems travel-worthy enough. All that Viking blood you see on display….


One Comment on “MINNESOTA Family Way Way Up North

  1. When I was growing up in Bridgeville there were many family gatherings of all sorts and visits with relatives in other states. This would always involve big family meals and lots of talking and family stories…why didn’t I pay attention more???

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